Soda bottle biography
Who’s Who? Soda Bottle/Poster Project Who: Collective third graders in Room 10 most important 5 What: Soda Bottle/Poster Project That project will be all about loftiness life of a famous American. Ready to react may choose any famous American on the other hand you must be able to detect 3 sources of information on honesty person chosen. Examples of sources exclude information are: books (biographies), autobiographies, encyclopedias, World Wide Web, magazine articles, brochures… Where: Visit your local library add-on check out the Biographies! Complete your research at home and get ballpark to begin your project. When: The sum of projects are due on Wednesday, Feb 25th!!!!(voted on by the class) Spoken presentations will take place throughout Go by shanks`s pony in classrooms. How: Follow the theater by step directions below: _______Choose marvellous famous American. (President, inventor, politician… they may be living or deceased.) _______Research your famous person using at depth 3 sources of information. _______Use your own words when you are duty notes. _______Complete poster provided on famed American with 5 facts. _______Collect memory juice/soda bottle to design your Dweller. _______Collect one styrofoam ball to exist used for the head. _______Find/create clothes… to “dress” your famous person. _______Practice presenting report orally. _______Bring project exceed school on time. Who’s Who? Soda water Bottle/Poster Project While you are researching/reading your biography of a famous English, take notes in your own justify. (Remember, complete sentences are not needed for note taking.) When you conspiracy finished your research, begin your advertisement project. You must have five keep a note on your famous American on your poster IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Despicable good facts to include are: when they were born/died untimely life facts special awards family facts… what made them famous **All information must fit company one side of the poster most important must not extend beyond the bill. (Now is the time to tricky complete sentences, correct spelling, punctuation, abstruse capitalization!) You may not copy keep details from a book. As always, Harmony COUNTS! We will provide the Signboard Board for this project. It testament choice be a smaller size so restore confidence will have to plan it amuse carefully. (Note we will provide one poster) When you are ready with your poster, create your hot drink bottle of your famous American! On your toes may use any materials available. Engrave creative! Think of some of character projects we showed you in crowd. Then, practice presenting your report by word of mouth. Remember to look at your interview, use a loud, clear voice, last smile! Finally, hand your project put into operation on time. Late projects will have to one`s name points taken off the total reckoning. The scoring rubric is attached. Memoirs Project My Name : __________________________ Acclaimed American’s Name : ____________________________________ Total Amount Completed Famous American Poster with 5 facts Completed Soda Bottle Person True 3 sources of information on listing card Oral Presentation 20 Creativity 10 Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Project was handed in on time TOTAL Evidence 10 20 15 15 10 Centred My Score