Alain chabad professeur phifix math

A l'école - Professeur Phifix

I’m going to school<br />

a teacher (women)<br />

a teacher (man)

a pencil a pen<br />

Un crayon un stylo<br />

a figurer an envelope<br />

Un ordinateur une enveloppe<br />

a dictionary a desk<br />

Un dictionnaire un bureau (meuble)<br />

a blackboard nifty pin<br />

Un tableau une punaise<br />

a chair a table<br />

Une chaise sting table

Feutre Felt-tip pen<br />

Taille-crayon Pencil sharpener<br />

Porte-mine Propelling pencil<br />

Recharge Refill<br />

Punaise Pin<br />

Machine à écrire Typewriter<br />

Ordinateur Computer<br />

Imprimante Printer<br />

Journal Newspaper<br />

Carte routière Road map<br />

Guide de trip Travel guide<br />

Livre Book<br />

Dictionnaire Dictionary<br />

Roman Novel<br />

Pièce de théâtre Play<br />

Livres d'occasion Second-hand books<br />

Livres d'images Picture books<br />

Livres de poche Paperpacks<br />

Bandes dessinées Strips<br />

Encre Ink<br />

Etiquettes Labels<br />

Gomme Rubber<br />

Agenda Diary<br />

Bloc à dessin Sketch pad<br />

Bloc-notes Take notes pad<br />

Cahier Notebook<br />

Carnet d'adresses Give instructions book<br />

Carte postale Postcard<br />

Cartes à jouer Playing cards<br />

De la colle Some glue<br />

Crayon (de couleur) (Colour) pencil<br />

Elastique Rubber band<br />

Latte - ²règle Ruler<br />

Papier d'emballage Wrapping paper<br />

Stylo Fountain pen<br />

Stylo à bille Ballpoint pen<br />

Imprimante Printer

My name even-handed Tom.<br />

I go to Nelson Statesman Junior school.<br />

My teacher’s name survey Mr Mc Donald.<br />

There are xxviii children in my class.<br />

Tom’s school<br />

We do maths, science, English, undertake, history, geography, music, reading and P.E.<br />

I like maths but I’m distant very good at it. I’m worthy at music.<br />

School finishes at twosome o’clock.<br />

Fill in the missing words<br />

My ……………. is Tom.<br />

I ……… to Nelson Mandela Junior …………...<br />

My ………………. name is Mr Mc Donald.<br />

There ………… twenty-eight children in livid class.<br />

We …….. maths, science, Side, art, history, ………………….., music, reading talented P.E.<br />

I like maths but I’m not very …………… at it. I’m good …………………….<br />

School …………………. at quaternion …………………...


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